In the winter months, it's important to boost your immune system with vitamins. Cauliflower is a center winter vegetable and a great source of vitamins C and K, folate and fiber, and a very good source of vitamins B5 and B6, tryptophan, omega-3 fatty acids and manganese. All are good reasons to include it in your diet and put on your table.

Cauliflower head
Fetta Cheese
Garlic, chopped 
Cilantro, chopped
Hmeli Suneli
(Georgian Spice
with Salt and
Chilli Pepper) 

Boil cauliflower florets for about 5 minutes, so they still keep they are crispiness and are easy to chew.  Then roast them with butter and feta cheese for another 3-5 minutes.
For the full flavored Georgian topping (to top any boiled veggies) with:
mix crushed walnuts, finely chopped cilantro, chopped garlic, hmeli suneli mix add salt and chili pepper (or black pepper) to taste. You can keep what's left in a jar in a fridge for a few days for future dishes.


It's the time of the year when leaves turn yellow and red, and you stroll through the farmers markets filled with colorful squashes, pumpkins and corn. To celebrate the abundance of autumn, here is a great recipee to pacify the senses via earthy, warm foods.

Corn (6 for 3-4 servings)
2 Table Spoons Butter 
1/2 Glass of Milk
Curry Powder
Black Pepper
Cilantro, Parsley
Soy Sauce 

Boil corn, chop it in blender, adding a bit of water.
Melt butter, add milk and curry powder, pepper, a touch of ginger.
Blend boiled corn, add the melted butter mix. Stir for a few minutes, add salt to taste.
Serve adding chopped cilantro or parsley and soy sauce.

"Who eat their corn while yet 'tis green. At the true harver can but glean."